HR Advisory Packages
People management issues can take up a lot of time for busy executives and managers. At Workplace Management Network we understand businesses often need to deal with complex people management issues effectively and quickly.
read moreWorkplace Investigations
Consultants at Workplace Management Network are experienced in undertaking high quality workplace investigations into complaints of bullying, harassment, misconduct and grievances or complaints of any sort.
read moreOrganisational Development
If you feel your business could perform better but poor culture, ‘silos’, inflexible organisation structures and practices are holding you back we can help you identify the problems and develop strategies that will improve your business performance.
read moreDownsizing and Restructuring
As well as our Organisational Development expertise, Workplace Management Network consultants also have experience in downsizing. We can help you make the right decisions and manage your people through this difficult phase.
read moreEmployment Relations
Workplace Management Network consultants are experienced in managing Employment Relations issues in the workplace. We can assist in developing and negotiating a new enterprise agreement and facilitate registration of your enterprise agreement with the Fair Work Commission.
read moreHR Management
People management issues can take up a lot of time for busy executives and managers. At Workplace Management Network we understand businesses often need to deal with complex people management issues effectively and quickly.
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